Lori Schiller joins me on the podcast.
Last week, I highlighted an interview that Susan Bassi put on twitter; I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was with Lori.

Lori’s parents were victimized by some players who are now notorious in the Orange County Probate system: namely Sally Cicerone and Teresa Gorman.
Check out my recent podcast with Yvette Dobbie who was also victimized by the Gorman/Cicerone combination.
She said that her nightmare started from a family squabble. Her sister tried to take over care of her parents, Lori told me, though Lori lived nearby and had been taking care of them.
The case wound up in Orange County’s probate system.
Lori immediately made a huge error. Trying to save money, she asked the court to appoint a lawyer for her parents.
That lawyer was Teresa Gorman.
I reached out to Gorman and her husband, Ruben Martinez, but received no response.
Gorman quickly recommended that Cicerone be appointed the conservator.
As soon as Cicerone was appointed a conservator, Lori told me that Cicerone recommended that Lori stay away from her parents for at least two months.
The reason: because the new caregivers needed time to get to know her parents.
When next Lori saw her dad, he was in a wheelchair.
He was dead about a year later and she told me she believed it was medical neglect.
Shortly before he died, her dad was put into a hospital for what she was told was a stroke.
When she saw her dad, Lori told me she found out it was not due to a stroke but because his teeth were neglected.
Finally, her parents estate was valued at more than one million dollars when this started, and she said approximately $100,000 was left at the end.
Post Script:
Check out the previous articles in this series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8. Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, and Part 19.
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