Why did my article on Dr. Luigi DiRubba strike a nerve with Lucy Sardi?
Ms. Sardi continues to complain about my coverage, but she won't answer any questions.
Last week, I released a story on Dr. Luigi DiRubba.
It’s a sad tale about a successful Connecticut chiropractor who saw his personal life fall apart.
The catalyst was an ugly incident in February 2016.
An argument led the police to be called; Dr. DiRubba was arrested while his wife and several of his six children filmed bits and pieces.
Since he has seen several- particularly the older three- of his six children develop an intense hatred of him, which he believes is triggered by their mother: his ex-wife AnnaMaria DiRubba.
Dr. DiRubba had the American dream.
He lived in a multi-million-dollar home, with a wife and the aforementioned six children.
Not only has he been barred from seeing any of his six children for years, but the court has also ordered him to pay for nearly everything.
Much of his wealth- which he estimated to be in the millions when the divorce started- has disappeared: though his successful practice remains.
Lucy Sardi is a California woman with no known connection to Dr. DiRubba.
Her only connection was in the pattern between Dr. DiRubba’s case, and her divorce with her ex-husband, Bill Sardi.
Luigi’s case tracks similarly to another case I followed: that of Bill Sardi.
Both started their divorces well off; both were forced to pay for most of the costs, and both were simultaneously kept away from their children for significant periods. Bill was kept away from his son for approximately nine months in 2021. My interview with Bill is below.
Bill died in February 2022; his friend believes the stress from the divorce definitely played a role.
Both were effectively paying for their own destruction, as they shelled out for a stream of experts, court appointments, and useless lawyers who did nothing but take their money while their relationships with their children were being totally severed.
Even though Bill is the one who died, Lucy believes she’s the victim in this case.
After I posted Dr. Luigi DiRubba’s most recent article on Facebook, she quickly expressed her disgust with the short reference to her case.
Thus far, Lucy Sardi has not taken me up on my offer for an interview where she could set me straight on all the things that I have supposedly gotten wrong.

It’s not the first time Lucy- or someone close to her- has responded this way to my coverage of their divorce.
In November 2021, her divorce coach (only in California would someone hire a divorce coach) fired off a nasty email. When I say nasty, I mean nasty toward Bill.
You recently published two YouTube audio only interviews with Bill Sardi. It is unfortunate that you do not choose to investigate the credibility of your subjects prior to these airings. Had you bothered to do even a cursory check of the claims made by this man, you would have quickly distanced yourself.
As a journalist, you should know that all you have is your reputation. You are apparently comfortable hiding behind a “he’s entitled to his opinion” posture. However, what Sardi failed to mention is that the delays and monies spent during this contentious divorce we’re primarily because of his conduct and refusal to follow court orders - not any wrong doing by any other party. Get the transcripts. Your need for ratings should not outweigh the need to make sure your interviews are honest and fair. If not, you’re not a journalist. There are many things that could be improved with the Los Angeles Court system in general. I agree with you on that 100%. And shining a light on this need could be an honorable pursuit. However, allowing people who have an ax to grind to continue to repeat their lies over and over is a poor representation of journalism.
I would imagine you deal with a lot of sociopaths in your line of work. Perhaps if you think back over the years and the people you have allowed to, really, do no more than bitch about a bad deal they think they got, you will develop an eye for spotting sociopaths and people like Bill Sardi who think if they tell a story often enough it becomes the truth.
Calling Bill a “sociopath” didn’t seem very nice, so he responded. The divorce coach’s name is Kathy Stevens.
Kathy Stevens is a former assistant district attorney (now physically disabled) and friend of the family who took it upon herself to coach my ex-wife how to navigate divorce and play tricks on the Petitioner (father), Stevens having been coached herself by a former divorce attorney to Hollywood stars she knew closely.
Kathy Stevens is my ex-wife’s “divorce director” and is no impartial party to the matters of public interest at hand. Stevens falsely alleged in a prior declaration that I as father of our son "went into tirade about me not being welcome in his home.” That was not a tirade and because she was openly calling me a liar in front of my then 10-year-old son. I asked her to leave our property if she was going to continue slandering me in front of our son. She refused to leave. There was no “spitting food on her” as she alleges.
Ms. Stevens did interfere with our son’s math tutoring when she had no call or authority to do so, arguing over the methods our son’s math tutor was using to teach arithmetic, which was none of her business. The math tutor was the only tutor who had been able to get our dyslexic son to learn arithmetic. The Respondent (mother) argued over the selection of the math tutor because he was selected by the father. The Respondent (mother) sought to make all the tutors people she had selected. During that confrontation between Ms. Stevens and the math tutor, she misrepresented herself as our son’s “auntie.”
I never heard from Ms. Stevens again.
In April 2022, Bill was attacked again, even though he was dead by then.
“Contact me you ignorant liar! You know nothing. My nephew is suffering, and nobody cares about his feelings. You assholes only continue the lies and now Wayne, Bilks brother wants a piece of the our after being estranged for 20 years because he is a rip off thief who was vanished by Bill!!!! Contact me Anytime.”
I invited this person- who claimed to be Lucy’s sibling to talk about it- but they also refused.
“Because all the lies you spew are ignorant and laughable. Leave your lies about my sister off the internet. YOU KNOW NOTHING!,” she told me in a follow up email.
I get the feeling Lucy and her supporters don’t like me.
Check out the previous articles in this series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8. Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25. and Part 26.
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When people do nasty things to other people and eventually become exposed they get highly irritated that now everyone knows what they’ve done. Maybe she shouldn’t have done that in the first place…..What is done in the dark will be brought to the light….
With the run-of-the-mill Personality Disorder, they generally will not admit to any wrongdoing, I have yet to see….