Bill Corbitt is a toxic conman running a fake charity that provides no services. He got me kicked out of a support group, because I pointed out he encouraged some insane member to harass me for an entire day because he didn't believe there are no civil rights or attorney misconduct specialists in CA. There aren't. Check AVVO. Further, when I called him out for this bahavior publicly, he threatened to directly interfere (coersion) if I kept talking about his being an abusive conman. He even used AI to try to fake a message claiming he had a legal team.

Talking about corruption and exploiting people while doing it isn't helpful and it isn't journalism. Further he was recording meetings and.chats in a private signal support group without consent. The man is a criminal and should be banned from social media.


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Remind the chairborn ranger there I saved all the messages from both him and the insane man he sent after me after falsely claiming I was lying about an absence of civil rights attornies or attorney misconduct attornies despite years of searching including fucking today trying to get people to take the case.

Tell him to refund my money too.

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