In the ongoing divorce between Dr. Madison Sample and Jackie Sample, DuPage County Judge James Orel, who is presiding has forced the sale of their multimillion-dollar home in Burr Ridge, Illinois.
Lazy Judge James Orel justifies the sale because he claims their only asset is this home. Jackie disagrees. She believes she and Madison made many millions throughout their ten-year marriage: in cryptocurrency, business interests, saved in cash, and more.
She told me that she presented this evidence to Lazy Judge James Orel, but he ignored it.

I asked Jackie about it in the podcast but let’s examine the evidence further.
Dr. Madison Sample perjured himself by providing false statements about his income. Here is the evidence Jackie presented.
Jackie told me she thinks his income is at least $500,000. Here is a W2 from 2020 with nearly $500,000 in income.
This was submitted to Lazy Judge James Orel who has ignored the blatant perjury.
Dr. Madison Sample- a la Screw the Bitch- has been moving money from their joint accounts into individual accounts.
Below are some examples of accounts Dr. Sample moved money from.
The Samples accumulated millions in cryptocurrency.
Jackie has provided the court with numerous cryptocurrency accounts. A couple of the accounts, with their balances, are below.
Jackie also told me an interesting story. Using an expert, she was able to claw approximately $190,000 from an account Dr. Sample had in cryptocurrency himself and move it into an account which she controlled. Before she could withdraw it, Dr. Sample’s attorney, Matt “the Munchkin” Elster, called the Coinbase, which managed the account, and put a hold on the funds. Now, she can see the investment, but she can’t use it. The current account balance is below.
4) Jackie says the home is worth close to $3 million.
Dr. Sample has presented to the court that it’s only worth $1.8 million. There is an approximate $1.5 million mortgage on the home. After paying the mortgage, realtors, and other fees, both would walk away with $100,000 if Dr. Sample’s value is used, except Jackie provided an appraisal ordered by a bank that the home was worth $2.8 million.
If the home is valued properly, both would walk away with a lot more than $100,000. Lazy Judge Orel has ignored all this evidence, Jackie told me in the interview above.
Check out my interview with Jackie from May 2024.
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