You know, some of the most successful countries on both the happiness scale and financial stability for citizens are that way because they jailed the bankers and attorneys associated with corruption. Paying people to act corrupt is just the California Court way.

In the meantime, California, the state with the biggest economy has the highest poverty level, highest budget for oversight of the judicial and still has one of the most corrupt groups of judges in the USA working in probate and family courts.

Over 30% of employment goes to government here in California. Then of course, legislators have pet projects. All of these things have to be paid for, including sizeable pensions for people who may have spent their entire career facilitating the destruction of people's lives. The clerks, judges, mediators, GALs, lawyers (lawless), visitation supervisors charging 60 to 120 an hour, Family Court Services, all of them are corrupt.

They are corrupt, because the people who choose who works there are corrupt, and require employees that are malleable and easy to coerce. Most of the employees at William Ridgeway, for instance, are females age 35 to 70. Many of them look like they have no home life, and all of them pretend to be ignorant when a judge violates your rights. They are there to collect a paycheck, no matter who it hurts. Whistleblowers lose their jobs and their livelihoods and never get hired again. Those who refuse to commit crimes as favors are also let go. So what you end up with is the literal dregs of society. They look at you with contempt and treat you with the same, because the judges also protect them and retaliate if you complain.

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Nice thought. Jail the lawyers and bankers.

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It worked spectacularly for those countries. The trick is electing people who aren't part or trying to become part of the financially driven part of politics, and then getting through all the red tape of ever holding anyone accountable.

In a state that wont hold judges or attorneys or really any government employee accountable, radical actions become the only effective response to restart positive societal growth. Like the farmer pulls weeds and culls invasive species, so they don't starve, this is what must be done to effectively make any change to the corrupt system.

Pull the weeds, drain the swamp, call it what you will. Until we start having actual oversight, and crimes committed by lawyers and govt employees are considered actual crimes, we will continue to have our rights raped and our families plundered so a few scumbags can get rich and a few politicians can get endorsements and campaign contributions.

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