It's still not Court ordered. She's a fucking lightweight. Was it served on You by a process server? Or did she just email it and think that was good service? What law school did this bimbo sleep through?

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It was properly served however it is not court ordered. It doesn't have to be in Illinois but it is supposed to be served at least seven days prior to the appearance. There is plenty wrong but service has been solved.

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You should sue her for abusive process. You have enough of the history and facts there that it's not a frivolous allegation. If you do it in a separate suit she's either going to have to waste time and deal with it or she's going to have to have her malpractice carrier cover it for her. Either way it's reportable to her malpractice carrier and her insurance is going to skyrocket. That should teach her a lesson.

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I'll consider it.

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Misuse of Practice and abuse of process. Let her hold a hearing in absentia since, star chambers are prohibited and implicate you in some way then, suit that Hodown!


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