Poland is great if you want to abduct children. Sorry, but I don't believe for a second anything this woman says. Firstly, she dated and then had a child with this man knowing his disorder. If she was concerned about the disorder, why did she continue to date and then have a child with him? Then her response is to take the child to Poland, where they through countless dipshit judgements deny extraditions of people like this who are routinely violating orders.

But hey, women should be completely immune from orders and never have to be held accountable like men, right Mike?

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I don't know when he acknowledged all this, but it was after the child was born. He has no disorder. There is no disorder where you get off while feeding your toddler. That's a pedophile. He admitted to all this under oath.

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Pedophilia is a recognized disorder.. here you go talking about psychology like an expert and misrepresenting it again. Just like with PA which was simply recategorized to familial problems for treatment measures and at the behest of your feminist overlords who laughably claimed women were being "incriminated" by the term. If you have to make shit up and lie, you're not a reliable source bud.


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That's cool. So his disorder didn't appear until his child was born.. there were no "warning signs" or worries previously. She never planned to violate the Hague convention by going to Poland or anything. Mike, the level of bullshit is up to my neck. If this were a man, he'd be in jail.

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He has no disorder and he didn’t fantasize about molesting his daughter until he had a daughter.

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Let me put it this way. Pedophilia isn't something that develops after your child is born. It existed before if it existed. So if this was the case, these recordings wouldn't be likely to be the only evidence. Further, even with these dubious recordings, there's no evidence of actual harm occurring. So what distinguishes this case from any other where a mom goes to ridiculous lengths to lie and keep the children away from the father, often fleeing to places like you know, Poland, where they refuse to return anyones children.

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Either he does or she lied dude. There's no in between.

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She didn't say it. He did. He testified to fantasizing about molesting his daughter and getting off while feeding her. That's not a disorder.

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Basically if you say it's not a disorder and he doesn't have one, you're saying he's not a harm to the child. Is that what you're trying to say?

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Pedophilia is a paraphilic disorder. If he doesn't have it then you admit he isn't a harm.

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Yes. It is. Please read the link, or go pick up the blue bible of psychological diagnostic and treatment methods. You are wrong man. If there's no disorder, then there's no harm. Disorders are labeled psychological disorders because they're considered a deviance from baseline and harmful somehow.

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He has no disorder? Then doesn't that mean you're lying and she fabricated the audio you're posting which is an effort to defame?

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