The St. Louis County cabal puts another child in danger
Members of the Missouri Court Mafia are at it again.

Lauren Mills and her ex-boyfriend Patrick Condren had a short relationship which produced a child born in December 2021.
Lauren, along with her father, told me that Patrick was a minor presence in that child’s life until in May 2023, when he filed for paternity and custody.
He hired Christopher Karlen to be his attorney. Karlen, who did not respond to an email for comment, is familiar with Condren.
That’s because he represents Condren in a separate custody case with the mother of his other child.
Karlen is not the only person to appear on both cases. Condren and Jacqueline currently have Judge Nicole Zellweger preside over their case.

Judge Zellweger is a notorious figure in St. Louis County, Missouri- where this case is at- after she ignored the pleas of Angela Freiner’s then fourteen-year-old daughter. Judge Zellweger- in an act which earned her those horns- sent that girl to live with her father, despite the girl telling her that he molests her.
To top things off, Judge Zellweger had Angela arrested and charged after Angela sent her a mean email; those charges were finally dismissed two years later.
Michelle Perotta also spoke with the St. Louis Record about Devil Horns’ judicial tyranny.
In Perotta v. Perotta divorce and custody proceedings, Perotta had both Lasater and Zellweger on her case as judges.
Currently, Perotta has supervised visits with her daughter once a week and every other weekend.
“Nicole Zellweger refused to put anything on the record because she didn’t want accountability even though every hearing has to be on the record, but she never once did that,” Perotta said in an interview. “There were times when we filed motions to make sure we had it on the record, and she also refused to let parties be at hearings. My attorney would file motions for me to be present and she would still say no, even though that's against the law.”
Judge Devil Horns is not happy with the lives she has destroyed so far, so she has taken aim at Lauren’s near two-year-old son.
Lauren hired Henry “Hank” Miller, and that was likely a mistake.
Hank was one of the near forty corrupt guardian ad litems (GAL) on the Zoom conference call in January 2021.
Hank didn’t speak much, but he would have won the body language segment.

As this is considered by Missouri courts to be a paternity case, it is conveniently not open to the public, and it does not appear on their system:
This is what I have been able to piece together with that hindrance.
Though there have been scant few hearings, there has been much activity.
Patrick quickly moved to have GAL appointed.
That GAL was Lisa Sigmund. Lisa was on the same Zoom conference with Hank. Small world, or not. Sigmund did not respond to a message left at her office.
Judge Devil Horns did not respond to an email for comment. Patrick Condren did not respond to an email for comment.
Lisa is also the GAL on Patrick’s other custody case.
This seems like a conflict of interest, so I asked the Missouri BAR Association for help. They were quite helpful. Here’s the statement they gave me.
Dear Mr. Volpe,
The Missouri Bar is unable to provide the type of information you request.
Unfortunately, the resources previously stated are the only resources The Missouri Bar has currently.
I’m glad that’s cleared up.
Lisa went right to work; the day after she got appointed, she purportedly received a correspondence which suggested that Lauren was unfit and possibly on drugs.
This led to the filing of a temporary restraining order (TRO).
Lisa insisted she was doing this to keep Lauren’s son safe, except she doesn’t know Lauren’s son.
I spoke with Lauren’s dad, Bob Mills, and he told me that Lisa only saw his grandson once, when he was sleeping, and she never saw him and Lauren interacting.
Lisa did have some advice for Bob; he told me that Lisa strongly encouraged him and his wife to hire an attorney because an attorney would make sure that the young child was not taken by Child Protective Services (CPS).
Bob told me he did hire an attorney. Lots of people are making money off this case.
The TRO led to an unusual consent order. A consent order- as the name implies- is where both parties agree: only Lauren insisted to me that she never consented to what was in the order.
The order gave Patrick and Lauren 50/50 custody, and both needed to be supervised.
The order is not signed by Lauren, but it is signed by her attorney, which is good enough for the court.
Lauren told me Hank never explained why a GAL was appointed nor did he explain the consent order.
Furthermore, this consent order ignores that Patrick has not been in the child’s life for nearly two years, and it ignores the history of violence.
On October 18, 2023, Manchester Missouri PD arrested him for raping Lauren.
Bob Mills described an incident where he attacked Lauren while holding his son. In another incident, Manchester Police documented an alleged incident where Condren put his hands on Lauren.
None of that seemed to matter, and Hank even told Lauren that filing a motion for emergency custody, based on Condren being arrested, would not be viewed well by the judge.
“I can assure you that an emergency motion would not be well received by the judge,” Hank told Lauren in an email on October 18, shortly after Patrick was arrested.
That make sense; Judge Devil Horns loves abusers.
I was confused, so I called Hank for a chat.
Hank did not respond directly to me, but he did respond.
I left a voicemail at his office at 10:04AM on Monday October 23, 2023. At 12:30PM of the same day, Hank sent Lauren a lovely email.
“We are withdrawing from your case for reasons that have already been discussed with you that have nothing to do with money,” Hank said.
The advertisement writes itself, “when the going gets tough, Hank withdraws.”
Hank managed to charge Lauren nearly $9,000, according to his latest invoice, before his sudden exit. That’s on top of previous invoices.
That’s well over $10,000 to stick her with a GAL she doesn’t want or need and sign her up for a consent order she never actually consented to.
All in a day’s work for the Missouri Court Mafia.
the level of disgustingness of the "system" never ceases to amaze me
So disturbing .....