Michael Volpe Investigates Podcast The Impromptu: Episode 82 an Interview with Jeff Reichert
He continues to face a rigged case. I update a case first covered in 2022.
The latest guest on the podcast is Jeff Reichert.
Approximately two years ago, Wayne Dolcefino did a video about Jeff’s case.
As Wayne’s video shows, Jeff and his ex-wife, Sarah Hornbeck, litigated their divorce and custody for more than a decade. Sarah was involved in numerous incidents including drunk driving, hitting a cop, and passing out in a hotel leaving her kids to fend for themselves.
To avoid a trial- and a certain loss- Sarah agreed to a custody agreement giving Jeff physical custody; she only got supervised visits.
That’s when the corruption started.
The case was being litigated in Baltimore City, Maryland, but Sarah didn’t go there.
She went to Anne Arundel County, Maryland, about forty miles south of Baltimore.
Jeff told me on the podcast that he and Sarah signed an ironclad agreement to keep the case from being litigated anymore.
Sarah got around that by filing for a protective order.
Anne Arundel County should not have heard the case, because, as Wayne discovered, neither Jeff nor Sarah lived in Anne Arundel County.
Sarah also argued things which happened years ago- things which had already been litigated- but she was granted the order anyway.
This opened up the custody case which was supposed to avoid court.
The main corrupt judge is Allison Asti.
Within months of getting physical custody, Judge Asti reversed everything.
She put Jeff on supervised visits; she jailed him and forced him into therapy.
Wayne’s video was done shortly before their custody trial and Judge Asti’s decision.
Jeff told me the fix was in; he believes the judge had the order written before any testimony was taken.
The order was a “prison sentence” he told me. Though he’d once been the custodial parent, he was reduced to one supervised visit with his son once per week for five hours.
Judge Asti ordered him into therapy and demanded he comply with the recommendations of a court ordered therapist.
Judge Asti also ordered that after twelve successful visits Jeff could go back to court to try and eliminate the supervised visits.
Sarah was not happy with this arrangement.
Jeff told me that his mom agreed to supervise his visits, and even bought a plane ticket from Florida.
The day before the first visit, Sarah cancelled, and she has failed to respond to all messages since, Jeff told me.
Sarah, it appears, has been violating the court order favorable to her.
I reached out to her and her attorney, Brennan McCarthy, but neither responded to emails for comment.
I also emailed the media department for the Maryland courts, but I received no response.
Jeff filed for contempt. His ex-wife filed for contempt in response.
A hearing was scheduled to be heard on May 21, 2024. About four weeks before the hearing, Judge Asti issued an order stating that Sarah’s contempt motion was moot.
Jeff and his attorneys then prepared to argue their motion.
Then, on the morning of the hearing, Judge Asti issued another order.
The legalese is thick, so I asked Jeff’s attorney, Zach Groves, for guidance.
He said that on the morning of the hearing, Judge Asti reversed her previous order which made Sarah’s motion moot.
Instead, her motion would be heard along with Jeff’s motion on May 21, 2024.
This presented a problem, because Jeff and his attorneys did not prepare to argue Sarah’s motion, since it had been rendered moot about four weeks prior.
Jeff told me he got the news while driving to court from Virginia, where he lives.
He pulled over to the side of the road, and the news triggered a PTSD reaction.
He turned around and went home.
Why? It’s because Sarah’s motion asked for Jeff to be jailed for unpaid child support and other matters.
Jeff believed the judge issued this order to set him up to be jailed.
Zach said he went to court and argued in front of another judge that by issuing this order on the morning of the hearing he didn’t have enough time to prepare.
Zach was granted that request, but the judge also said that Jeff’s motion needed to be heard on May 21.
Since Jeff was on his way home, the judge dismissed that motion.
How convenient: especially since Sarah’s violations of the court order were obvious.
Zach said there is another hearing in June. Sarah’s motion will be heard, along with a motion to modify custody filed by Jeff.
That will be heard in front of Judge Asti…so we can guess how that will go.
Why is the case still in Anne Arundel County, even though neither parent lives there? Judge Asti refuses to give up the case. Zach has filed motions to move the case, but that has been denied.
Jeff told me that his son was involved in numerous sports, getting good grades and happy while in his care. He’s gained approximately one hundred pounds, is miserable (Wayne got an audio of his son saying as much) and is failing in his ex-wife’s care.
Judge Asti doesn’t care what her rulings are doing to this teenager.
None of these judges care. They just want money and to shuffle you through for favors so they can do absolutely nothing resembling their job.