Michael Volpe Investigates Podcast the Impromptu: Episode 72 an Interview with Marta Bryceland and Anna Hadilaksono
Marta has been falsely accused of just about everything, and these accusations have everything to do with a cynical interpretation of child support.
{Note, due to a court order which keeps certain things in this case private, I will be relying less on court transcripts and other court documents than in other stories}
Marta Bryceland and her sister Anna joined me on the podcast.
Marta told me that she has seen her daughter three times this year even though she was her daughter’s primary caretaker for her whole life until the end of 2020.
Her daughter was born in 2015.
This is all occurring because her ex-boyfriend, Dr. Thomas Gut, had sticker shock when he saw how much he would be paying in child support.

Dr. Gut declined to comment, citing a protective order, when I reached him by phone for comment.
I left a message for Dr. Gut’s attorney, John Parnese, at his office, but he did not return the call.
In December 2019, there was a hearing where Dr. Gut learned he would likely pay $3,500 per month in child support: his income is near $300,000 yearly.
The next day after the hearing, December 20, 2019, Dr. Gut filed for emergency custody.
That was the conclusion of Manuel Gomez, a private investigator who looked into the case.

Manuel spoke with me, and he told me that based on his investigation, he concluded that Dr. Gut made a series of false allegations against Marta, both in court and to the police, in a cynical attempt to avoid paying child support. Here is part of his report.
Note: Mr. Gut was ok with his daughter staying with Ms. Bryceland and never filed for custody nor objected to her custody until he learned the amount of the child support. On December 19, 2019, Mr. Gut learned that child support would increase from $1,800 to $3,500 a month. An order for support was issued by Support Magistrate Hyer Spencer, and Mr. Gut filed the emergency order for custody on December 20, 2019 (the next day).
As Anna explained, Dr. Gut threw out a series of accusations. He at different times accused Marta of being mentally ill, not having a bed for their daughter, taking inappropriate photos, and finally of having Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP).
Initially, the court saw through the accusations, Manuel found.
Eventually, the case wound up in front of Judge Janet McFarland.
Judge McFarland is a notorious figure who is the subject of a Facebook page.
I spoke with Steve Garanin, who also had Judge McFarland.
He came in front of her for a contempt of court hearing. He was trying to get contempt ordered on the mother of his child after being denied access for twenty-eight months.
Judge McFarland treated the whole thing like a minor inconvenience for him.
Marta told me that she found Judge McFarland equally as temperamental.
On January 6, 2021, Judge McFarland issued a temporary order granting Dr. Gut sole custody, but the order specifically noted that the issue would be revisited at the next hearing on February 24, 2021.
No reason was cited; however, Dr. Gut had recently accused Marta of Munchausen by proxy.
MSP is difficult to diagnose; in this case, it amounted to the accusation by Dr. Gut.
Judge McFarland’s ruling was the judicial version of a bait and switch. In between the order and the next hearing, Judge McFarland got off the case.
The new judge, as Anna explained, said he was not prepared to make a ruling.
This started a series of delays, Anna told me in the interview. That turned into a trial which is ongoing.
Anna said she was a witness for about year. She wasn’t on the stand everyday for a year.
Instead, they would hold a hearing, and then take a break of a few weeks or months.
This is what passed for due process in Marta’s case.
Meanwhile, Marta told me that Dr. Gut wasn’t done making her life a living hell.
For his next trick, she wound up in Rikers, with murderers, rapists, and thieves.
Marta is a nurse who has been gainfully employed for about two decades, she told me.
Prior to 2021, she had no criminal record, no problems with the law, and no reason to believe she would wind up in one of the worst prisons in the country.

Marta told me she did an evaluation which determined that she did not have Munchhausen and the recommendation was for her to have physical custody.
She went to Dr. Gut’s residence and discussed.
She told me that upon leaving she did not think anything untoward had happened.
She told me that she got a call from NYPD, and upon reaching the station, she was arrested for trespassing.
That occurred on May 5, 2021, Dr. Gut used the trespassing charge to get an order for protection. This led to more charges. Here is more from Manuel’s report.
On August 24, 2021, Mr. Gut filed a false police report that Ms. Bryceland was in front of his house, in violation of her order of protection. In fact, that date was the day that Ms. Bryceland was scheduled to see her daughter. Mr. Gut was not permitting her to see their child, so Ms. Bryceland drove to the neighborhood and parked at the end of the block. Ms. Bryceland called 911 and the operator instructed that the police were on their way. The 911 operator told her that once the police got there, that she should follow them to the home of Mr. Gut., place of crime to file a report. The bodycam footage from the police officer showed that Ms. Bryceland was not in front of the house. Ms. Bryceland was following the police, as per the 911 operator’s instructions. Instead of Ms. Bryceland seeing her daughter, she was brutally arrested for allegedly violating the protective order. An officer held a gun to Ms. Bryceland’s head and knocked her to the ground. After a DA reviewed the facts, the charges were dropped.
On April 12, 2022, Ms. Bryceland received a dismissal for another false charge – this time for trespassing as per Mr. Gut. Ms. Bryceland was arrested for allegedly trespassing.
The violation of a protective order led to a fifty day stay in Rikers.
As of August 2023, all the charges have been dismissed.
Marta told me she was assaulted, sexually violated, and otherwise mistreated in Rikers. She has filed a lawsuit.
The custody case goes on, but as I stated initially, she has only seen her daughter three times this year.
And so let the truth to be set free, and fly across the countries and continents, message that in America you are guilty until you prove otherwise or die trying.
This is extremely sad that in America things like that take place and that innocent people mother and her entire family suffers. Marta has been put through hell. Tom continues to try to damage Marta and the relationship with her daughter. The daughter, poor child was removed from loving home and put into hands of the devil father and the law or her attorney hasn’t protected her.