(Wayne Dolcefino’s story from 2022 which tracks what happened up until two years ago}
Jeff Reichert doesn’t know where his son is going to school. He’s had no contact with his son in months, and he hasn’t seen him in over two years.
He doesn’t know if he’s sick, misses him, or how he’s being abused {though Jeff is certain he is being abused.}
All of this violates a court order signed by Anne Arundel County, Maryland Judge Alison Asti in 2022.

Yet, Judge Asti, who retired earlier this summer, issued a bench warrant for Jeff on June 25, 2024.
In May 2024, Judge Asti tried to spring a contempt citation on Jeff for his unpaid child support on a hearing which was supposed to be about Sarah’s refusal to let him see his son.

Jeff turned around on his way to the courthouse, and he never made it. He and I talked about it in our previous interview. In it, Jeff told me he expected to be jailed if he had attended the May hearing.
Jeff faced Judge Asti again on June 25, 2024. He saw four bailiffs tracking him throughout the courtroom that day, and Jeff told me he knew the fix was in. Here is part of a motion to quash describing what happened.
Jeff told me he knew he’d be arrested so he bolted before that could happen. Given that Jeff has been falsely arrested in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Jeff had reason to worry.
Because of his absence, Asti filed a bench warrant for Jeff’s arrest. His motions about Sarah’s behavior have never been heard. He filed a motion to quash, which was granted by another judge.
Now, Jeff has filed a motion to modify custody, only it’s filed in Baltimore County, Maryland.
Judge Asti and her minions are in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, where neither Jeff nor Sarah live. In his motion, he argues that Sarah has willfully, and with impunity, kept his son away from him.
Though this has gone on for over two years, no court has yet to hear evidence about the complete severing of the father and son relationship.
Sarah, for her part, does not deny withholding information. Her lawyer, Brennan McCarthy, sent Jeff’s lawyer this email.
Will he go totally psycho and harass the school {Jeff’s son} attends? Because that is what he did last time, harassing an educational provider with your assistance. It was repulsive, beneath the dignity of a professional.
We do not need to play the blame game. My client just wants to know whether your client will continue his harassing behavior and let the school do its job without your client interfering and bringing frivolous claims against the school.
Please have your client affirm he will not harass the school in which case I will recommend sharing that information. At this time and because of your client’s past behavior, I am not authorized to share that information.
Jeff told me he’s never harassed anyone at any of his son’s schools. This sounds like subterfuge.
I reached out to McCarthy and Sarah Hornbeck, but neither responded.
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