
An Interview with Frank Parlato: Jerry Sandusky is innocent!!

Frank talks with Rick Luthmann and I about the Sandusky case and a bogus prosecution of a California company: One Taste
Jerry Sandusky, from the USA Today

Rick Luthmann and I spoke with Frank Parlato of the Frank Report.

We asked a question almost no one is asking, “Is Jerry Sandusky an innocent man and the victim of a witch hunt?”

One Taste indictment

Before that, Frank updated us on his ongoing investigation of an indictment of a California company: One Taste.

In 2018, Bloomberg News reporter Ellen Huet published an explosive article entitled: The Dark Side of the Orgasmic Meditation Company

When Michal got married in August 2015, her family and longtime friends didn’t attend. The woman who walked her down the aisle, the dozens of beaming onlookers, her soon-to-be husband—all were people she’d met in the preceding 10 months. Wearing a loose, casual dress borrowed from one of her new friends, Michal spent the ceremony in a daze.

She knew she didn’t want to get married like this, in the living room of a rented San Francisco house without her family’s support, yet she felt compelled to do it. That uneasy feeling could apply to most of her experiences in OneTaste.

OneTaste is a sexuality-focused wellness education company based in the Bay Area. It’s best known for classes on “orgasmic meditation,” a trademarked procedure that typically involves a man using a gloved, lubricated fingertip to stroke a woman’s clitoris for 15 minutes. For Michal, like those at her wedding, OneTaste was much more than a series of workshops. It was a company that had, in less than a year, gained sway over every aspect of her life.

Since taking her first class, Michal had started working on OneTaste’s sales staff and living in a communal house in Brooklyn with her co-workers. Seven days a week, they gathered for multiple rounds of orgasmic meditation, or OM. (They pronounce it “ohm.”) They spent hours calling and texting people who’d come to a OneTaste event, trying to sell seats for the next, more expensive classes. The company-hosted evening OM circles in Manhattan sometimes held 30 or more pairs of strokers and strokees in one room, the fully clothed men concentrating on their moving fingertips while the women, naked from the waist down, moaned, wailed, and sighed. Afterward, Michal and her co-workers would run that night’s OneTaste event, where they set up chairs, jogged the microphone over to attendees, and chatted up more sales leads. It was exhausting.

This article was based on sixteen sources, most of them anonymous, and it concluded that One Taste acted much like a cult.

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Frank has some experience with cults, having been the man who broke the NXIVM story.

In the interview, he declined to call One Taste a cult, and furthermore, he stated that the definition is somewhat ubiquitous.

More than that, he said that One Taste is not dangerous like NXIVM.

Huet’s story set off a chain of events which landed her a book deal and two key One Taste executives face federal charges.

Frank’s investigation has found that not only was the original story an unfair hit piece, but the charges which followed are both novel and unfair.

The executives face, “a single count of conspiring to commit forced labor but did not charge them with forced labor,” Frank recently wrote.

He said in the interview that it’s the first time a defendant faces a conspiracy to commit forced labor without the underlying forced labor charge. Here’s what he said in a recent article.

Maybe because they’re women and not as good as men, the prosecution believes the two women conspired for 12 years to commit forced labor and were unsuccessful.

The indictment does not explain how they tried to force people to labor. Or what the forced labor the laborers would have been forced to labor at had the women succeeded in forcing anyone to labor. The prosecutors merely allege the two women conspired without naming any specific acts. Or any person.

The story from Huet is paper thin, Frank said.

I reached out to Huet and the book’s publisher, MacMillan, but neither responded with a comment.

He said that most of the sources were anonymous, but even worse, the key allegation was contradicted, this contradiction was known to Huet, but she refused to include that in the story.

Huet claimed that Michal, a woman, was coerced into getting married by One Taste; only the man she married, Frank told us, told Huet that wasn’t the case. They both wanted to get married, the man said.


Frank said that Huet knew this, but she did not include it in the article.

She also failed to explain it to Frank, when he asked about this revelation. I asked about this revelation as well in my email.

Furthermore, over 1,000 people have taken classes at One Taste. So, while it seems like speaking to sixteen people is a well-researched story, it’s not hard to imagine finding sixteen people unhappy with any product or service with over one thousand clients.

It’s especially true in this case, since this deals with women’s orgasms.

Is Jerry Sandusky Innocent?

Everyone knows Jerry Sandusky’s story. More than a decade ago an endless stream of victims stepped forward to say that Sandusky had molested them as youths over a period of decades. Furthermore, a Penn State assistant coach, Mike McQueary, witnessed one of the acts.

The scandal rocked Penn State, it cost Joe Paterno has job, and it forever sullied his reputation.

The case is open and shut, or is it?

Frank said his investigation found that it was built on smoke and mirrors.

First, McQueary never saw any molestation, but rather, he saw Sandusky horsing around with a child.

The victims: none reported the abuse when it happened. All revealed it during through the controversial process of repressed memories.

Furthermore, all only reported the abuse after hiring civil lawyers.

The stories were fantasies, Frank said. One victim claimed that Sandusky locked him in his soundproof basement every weekend only to let him out on Sunday.

This victim would come back each victim, Frank said, voluntarily.

Sadusky didn’t have a soundproof basement, and the story is simply not believable.

Most startling, Sandusky suffers from a medical condition, Frank learned, that makes it nearly impossible for him to have molested anyone.

Now, unearthed medical documents have revealed that Sandusky suffers from hypogonadism, a condition in which his body does not produce enough sex hormones or testosterone.

Medical records for the disgraced football coach from 2005 to 2008 show that Sandusky, then in his 60s, also suffered from atrophied testicles and chronic prostatitis.

None of this evidence was presented at trial, Frank said.

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