I was having an extraordinary day today, until I received a letter which took things to the next level.
According to the time stamp from Gmail, at 11:00AM Central Time, my day really got better because that’s the moment when I received the most wonderful letter from an old friend: Arizona attorney Jeff Silence.
When I say Jeff and I are old friends, I mean that I’ve known him since this morning at 11:00 AM CT.
I feel like we’re old friends given our correspondence since. Be looking for Christmas photos; I have a feeling I’ll be at Jeff’s house.
Jeff represents Kristyn Alcott. In my opinion, Kristyn is a pedophile loving, greedy, and totally corrupt supervisor for supervised visits primarily in Maricopa County, Arizona.
I say this is my opinion because you can’t be sued for opinions, and even though Mr. Silence and I are buddies now, there is a chance he may sue, but only because defamation is one of his specialties.
Lawyers: they’ll even sue their old friends.
I featured Ms. Alcott in several articles in June, and I spoke about her in an interview with Ed Martin.
Kristyn is part of a cabal in Maricopa County which sends kids to abusers while blaming protective parents for non-existent parental alienation. She makes a lot of money doing it- though Jeff disagrees.
Jeff strenuously objects- which of course means I definitely need to take some time to reconsider- to my characterization that the lovely and talented Kristyn is greedy, and a child molester lover. In fact, she’s misunderstood. I can relate. I too am misunderstood.
Since he strenuously objected, we all should take some time to reconsider. Here is Jeff’s letter in full.
I think this is a cease-and-desist letter, but I’m not sure. First, some cease-and-desist letters have “cease and desist” on the top. This does not, but that’s not the only reason.
I’ve received cease and desist letters many times, and there is one thing they all have: consequences for non-compliance.
you are asking them to stop engaging in a particular activity that is harmful to you in some way. In addition to identifying the specific activity, the letter should also outline the potential consequences of not complying with your request.
Raj Matani’s lame letter from 2022 had consequences.
Sure, Raj folded like a cheap suit immediately, but at least he knew enough to include consequences for non-compliance.
Jeff’s letter had no consequences for non-compliance.
I was confused and looking for clarification when I fired off an email to my old friend Jeff.
Mr. Silence,
I'm confused. You have not laid out any potential violations or legal threats if there is non-compliance. Has Ms. Alcott paid you to write these letters, because this one is toothless. I will ignore it as there are no consequences for ignorance, and you can update the letter with any potential consequences and let me know. I don't believe that I have said anything defamatory. If photos were illegally shared with KUDP, then take that up with them. I'm not removing anything, however, I will consider any better worded letter in the future.
Since Jeff and I are old pals, he explained the confusion.
Mr. Volpe,
The purpose of my letter was not to make threats, rather to de-escalate a situation in an amicable manner. It was to let you know that my client has a very difficult job and that there are two sides to every story. Your cooperation at removing the content as reasonably requested is appreciated.
This is exactly how old friends speak to each other. I was still confused so here is my retort.
Mr. Silence,
I've received cease and desist letters before and in fact, you can learn more about them on the internet. 4 most common ways to use a cease and desist letter | Legalzoom It states, "you are asking them to stop engaging in a particular activity that is harmful to you in some way. In addition to identifying the specific activity, the letter should also outline the potential consequences of not complying with your request." You are missing a key component of a cease and desist letter. One would think a smart lawyer like you would know more than me, but it doesn't appear so.
Until there are consequences for non-compliance, there is no reason to comply. I'm not deescalating anything. I have written accurately about your client and you aren't really saying I am not. Your client doesn't like characterizations I have made, but she can disagree with conclusions. That's tough. You have written a toothless cease and desist letter.
Don’t you just feel the love. Jeff was particularly perturbed that I released some very professional looking photos of his client. I don’t know why; she looks lovely in them.
My old friend definitely does not want you to listen to Kristyn’s former employee speaking kindly about her. So, whatever you do, under no circumstances should you listen to the audio below.
Also, Kristyn testified in favor of an abuser getting sole custody, and I definitely don’t think you should listen to her testimony at all. That might make Jeff mad. If you make Jeff mad, that might blow the Christmas dinner I’m very much looking forward to.
Here is part two and there is absolutely no reason to listen to this.
Omg, I was laughing out loud. Michael you are hilarious!!
🤣 I laughed the whole time reading this. Thank you 🙏🏼